
Improving wellbeing in the built environment through the shaping of a space’s vibrations and acoustic environment. Mitigation of the negative impacts of noise and vibration not only enhance our experience but can actively calm the subconscious, improving health, wellbeing and the human experience.

It is well known that poorly designed acoustic environments can induce stress, lower productivity and reduce comfort for occupiers, workers and students. Clear evidence shows that if people are sensorially comfortable, they have improved mental health and are more productive across all walks of life.

We help clients and architects understand the negative unforeseen effects of noise and vibration throughout the lifecycle of a project. Offering clear unambiguous advice to create thriving internal or external acoustic environments – and achieving the projects wider sustainability goals..

Using the latest digital acoustic technology and modelling techniques we deliver clear, evidence based solutions, that inform, compliment and enhance a project’s design approach. The aim is to mine our expertise to deliver an acoustic solution that meets fundamental human and project needs.

Spotlight on our work in practice

National Stadium of Serbia

We are working on the acoustic design for the new National Stadium of Serbia in Belgrade, which has a unique open green façade and partial roof. These features present special design challenges for a major stadium. Ensuring that sound reflections and dispersions are managed effectively has been crucial to providing a consistent auditory experience for all spectators. Additionally, reducing noise emissions from the open stadium to the surrounding environment is a key focus of the project. Our goal is to create an engaging and immersive atmosphere with clear sound coverage throughout the stadium. Extensive acoustic modelling has been essential in meeting the high performance standards, ensuring that the audience enjoys an enhanced game-day experience.

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Spotlight on our  work in practice

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Services by our Acoustics team

  • Architectural acoustic design
  • Masterplan acoustic design
  • Environmental noise assessments
  • Acoustic modelling, including auralisations and acoustic demonstrations
  • Planning and EIA input & reports
  • Noise and vibration control in building services engineering
  • Measurement & mitigation of noise & vibration
  • Assessment of vibration from transportation sources
  • Prediction of vibration in buildings
  • Vibration mitigation systems
  • Testing buildings, including pre-completion testing
  • Monitoring for construction phase
  • Expert witness
Services by our Acoustics team

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